2022-2023 Raider Wrestling

Junior High Wrestling Roster
Back Row (L to R): Grayhm Beck (8), Augustus Harrison (8), Jackson Williams (8), Sam Watts (7), Josh Spray (8), Mason Johanson (7), and Luke Soucie (7)
Front Row (L to R): Alex Watts (7), Kameron Sealey (7), Jasper Elledge (7), Christian Shaw (8), Brandt McLaughlin (8), and John Skalka (7)
Coaches: Adam Theer and Brayton Jarosik

High School Wrestling Roster
Back Row (L to R): Nathan Elledge (11), Alston Clark (9), and Cage Kackmeister (10)
Front Row (L to R): Connor Rempe (10), and Rowan Jarosik (10).
Coaches: Brandon Anderson, Brayton Jarosik, Adam Theer, and Nate Jarosik
Student Manager: Ledge Braco
Sandy Creek Quad
Cross County Triangular
Southern ValleyTecumseh
Fillmore Central
CCC- Columbus
Doniphan-Trumbull Quad
Cross County
Central City
State @ Omaha